Asheville’s Blog – – Is a Despicable Scam

Try posting a comment to any of City Hall’s self-infatuated deceptive blog entries.    Was the comment published?  It doesn’t make any difference what you write.  It won’t be published.  Same goes for Asheville’s Twitter and Asheville’s Facebook.  However, if you grovel at the Twitter site and at Asheville’s Facebook, you might get published.  If it is criticism, it will be whitewashed, no matter how constructive the criticism is.

If you twit our twit mayor – @esthermanheimer – you’ll be blocked unless you grovel at her feet and speak worshipful sycophant things to her.  You can see on my blog below where she has blocked me.  I approached her after she flipflopped on her short-term rental stance.  She’s now in bed with AirBnB and its pals on city council, Cecil Bothwell, Keith Young, and Brian Haynes.  Of course, it doesn’t make that much difference, does it?:  Asheville corruptly pretends to enforce the ordinances against short-term rentals, but does not.  Asheville is just another little Tammany Hall and its sleazy little city manager, Gary Jackson, another Boss Tweed.  A few people on city council want Gary Jackson gone (and Gary is a real sleazebag), but they are NOT the majority, who are just as corrupt and decadent as Gary is.  Remember who they are, and keep the memory, for next election when we can dump them.

Here is a comment I just made today, 6/24/2017.  Let’s see if the moderator OK’d it.  Betcha $100 to a nickel it will not make it.  I’ll come back later with more:

2:42 PM 6/24/2017

Did you get a good look at that photo – two women, a doggie, and a child on a bike with training wheels in the street with a truck headed their way, and NO sidewalks! Folks, this is what you call disinformation, or fake news.
Nobody would be stupid enough to walk in the middle of a city street in Asheville unless it’s a cul-de-sac. And why? Because the traffic is typically anti-pedestrian and often vicious.
Our street is dangerous like that and when kids walk or bike it they are ready to leap for the bushes when a car or truck approaches. I am too. I see motorists typically driving 35 and sometimes 50mph+ on this street when the speed limit should be enforced at 15 mph, the way it is on Wyoming, the street Kenilworth Park is on, just a few blocks down the street from here. You never see cops here unless they creep in to do something sadistic or speed in to chase an inmate of the halfway house up the street, or engage in some form of dirty revenge politics like elder abuse against one of their critics, or pretend by zooming in with 3 cruisers and 5 uniformed officers that they’re protecting a false-pretending drama queen who has misused the 911 emergency caller line. Our cops love to make unfounded calls based on false allegations.
But traffic calming is beneath our city police.


Here’s another comment at an article on the coablog about affordable housing in Asheville.  You’ll never find this comment there because city hall is not into the transparency of allowing citizens of Asheville to make comments:

afford housing

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